Gerade erst war Ex-Löwe Matt Durrans nach seinem Engagement in der kanadischen Heimat zurückgekehrt, da schlug das Verletzungspech gnadenlos zu. Der Stürmer zog sich einen Riss der Achillessehne zu und fällt nun mindestens sechs Monate aus.

Matt Durrans: Achillessehnenriss

Ende Januar war Durrans vom Edmonton FC zum FC Pipinsried gewechselt, um einen neuen Anlauf in Richtung Profifußball in Deutschland zu unternehmen. Dieser Versuch wurde nun durch eine schwere Verletzung jäh gestoppt. Lediglich dreimal konnte Matthew Durrans seit seinem Wechsel ins Dachauer Hinterland auflaufen, beim Match gegen den SV Schalding-Heining zog er sich einen Achillessehnenriss zu. In einem emotionalen Post bei Instagram lässt Durrans seinen Gefühlen und Gedanken freien Lauf. Wir wünschen Dir alles Gute und eine zügige Genesung!

Emotionales Statement auf Instagram

“I really don’t know where to start describing how this last week has been. So many tears, so many different emotions. Im upset, confused and angry. All the hard work & sacrifice just gone out the window by doing a step that I’ve done a million times before. The frustration is unbearable. My head is spinning with all kinds of different scenarios and questions – still no answers. When will I be back feeling normal again? How am I going to be? Physically? Mentally? Will I be the same player I was before? And can I really overcome this massive setback? I’m only 23, how the f*** have I already done this to my Achilles?!
Finding out that I fully ruptured my Achilles to directly getting my Operation the next morning, everything just went so fast – it all still doesn’t feel like reality to me. I don’t know why this is happening, I just know to get back to where I want to be, it will take so long now. That’s the worst part about this for me. It’s not the surgery, the pain of the moment or anything like that – but the understanding and realization that I’m just not gonna be back to 100% anytime soon. The mountain I have to climb is daunting – they tell me it’s at least 6 months until full recovery. Half a year gone, just like that. All I want is to be back on the field, playing the game I love so dearly.

Apologies for venting all these emotions here, but what’s the point of social media if its not real and from the heart? It feels good to finally vent, to let it all out. Because after all that venting a different perspective sets in. There are far greater issues and troubles in the world than a Torn Achilles. So stop feeling sorry for yourself. Pick yourself up and continue to fight for your dreams and work with the same mindset, the same belief and the same drive that you had before. That never giving up ‘Mamba Mentality’.

Sorry for posting this long rant. Maybe now I’ll start to try and focus on my next steps, beginning my rehab and just trust in the process – the way its all supposed to work out.
Thank you for all your support and messages already. The responses and love have been overwhelming.

See you on the field again soon.
Much love always

Titelbild: TSV 1860

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